Different Types of Commercial Trash Compactors

If a business produces large amounts of waste due to packaging, transportation, or storage, it can benefit from renting or owning a trash baler. Different types of commercial trash compactors cater to different needs, depending on the business type and size. The machine will compact different materials to maximize space and effectively store waste for recycling. Industries need to follow certain safety guidelines that trash compactors provide in the best way.

Stationary Compactors

This compactor is ideal for industries like hospitals, hotels, and restaurants. They come in different sizes that target different needs and are ideal for dry waste, cardboard, and paper. Stationary compactors stay bolted to the ground; they have a detachable container for storing waste to keep the rest of the equipment clean and safe. Everything that goes into it must be dry to avoid dangerous leaks and keep the machine working effectively.

Self-Contained Compactors

As the name suggests, these compactors keep everything inside a chamber where the machine presses different materials, keeping wet products and dry waste separate. These are ideal for industries that work with food waste and dangerous liquids. The container has special compartments to prevent liquids from leaking and odors from escaping. It is necessary to haul the container to a landfill to unload safely.

Front and Rear Load Compactors

This trash compactor is ideal for smaller industries like schools and small restaurants that could benefit from reducing waste safely. A special benefit is that it works with front load and rear load garbage trucks, which makes it easier to dispose of and maintain a clean site on a schedule. A chute through the wall allows easy access to dumping. Trash compactor rentals are ideal for certain business and offer versatility to switch compactors when needed.

Pre-Crushed Compactors

This large compactor can handle different materials, especially big products that need to break down before compacting. Pre-crushed compactors are ideal for irregular products that could leave gaps in the final bale. Furniture, car parts, and metals go into this compactor to minimize space usage and optimize the final result. This type of commercial trash compactor is ideal for construction sites, car graveyards, and industrial manufacturing sites.

Residential Compactors

This popular compactor is ideal for small businesses that want to stay clean and organized, like restaurants, spas, and apartment complexes. They are easy to install, commonly in the basement of a facility, and their small size enables you to optimize the use of the space. They load waste from the top, and most residential complexes have a direct chute drop to the compactor.

Compactors for Recycling

Vertical and horizontal compactors compress recyclable materials like plastics, paper, aluminum, packaging, and cardboard effectively to create recycling bales. They work with low to high production and are ideal for distribution centers, restaurants, retail stores, and hotels. The bales are easy to transport, enabling a business to become greener and environmentally friendly.